Gilbert G. Benjamin
1990 Chamber President
1984 Citizen of the Year
Benjamin Award
The Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce Gilbert Benjamin “Outstanding Citizen of the Year” Award is named in honor of its past recipient Gil Benjamin who lived and served the community of Granada Hills for many years.Gil served on the Board of Directors of the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce and was elected President in 1990. He served in the United States Armed Services, held a distinguished career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation as well as being an avid USC football fan. He and his wife Ruth served the local Granada Hills community in a myriad of civic activities. They were the official community Historians whose collective efforts assisted in the writing of the “The History of Granada Hills,” by author Jim Heir in 2007.The “Granada Hills Citizen of the Year” Award has been presented by the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce since 1982. The annual civic award is the highest recognition bestowed and presented to an outstanding selected individual for distinguished and exemplary volunteer service with the local community. The special citizen award was renamed in Gilbert Benjamin’s honor in 1994 that personally epitomized the highest attributes of the presented award and highlighted selfless volunteer service.
2018 Brad Kilmovitch
2017 William Hopkins, Jr.
2016 Ray Pollok
2015 Mike Kabo
2014 Laura Andrews Clements
2013 Bonnie Marie Bursk
2012 Jane Stanton
2011 Dave Beauvais
2010 Virginia Suos
2009 Jake Parunian
2008 Rob Dickey
2007 Cheryl Ford
2006 Robert Norris
2005 Mary Ann Adams
2004 Hank Miller
2003 Becky Bendikson
2002 Caroline East
2001 Don Cosby
2000 Mary Jo Koos
1999 Evelyn Sanfield
1998 John Rennie
1997 Yolanda Petroski
1996 Millicent Ford
1995 Lin & Clark Squires
1994 Ruth Benjamin
1993 Rick Gibby
1992 William O’Connor
1991 Jean C Seratti
1990 Richard E Yeakel
1989 John E Weitkamp
1988 Mike Casey
1987 John Ciccarelli
1986 Paula Boland
1985 Al Squatrito
1984 Gil Benjamin
1983 Carl Melnik
1982 Jo Erickson
2018 Gil Benjamin Award Winner:
Congratulations: Commander Brad Klimovitch
Acknowledge/Congratulations to our Nominees:
- Jake Parunyan
- Mike Benedetto
- Kerry Nelson
2017 Gil Benjamin Award Winner:
Congratulations: William Hopkins, Jr.
Acknowledge/Congratulations to our Nominees:
- Alison Robinson
- Mike Benedetto
- Steve Baker